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Educational Technology Services (ETS) Student Org Account Guidelines

Learn about the guidelines for student organization role accounts.

Student organizations officially registered for the academic year may request an organizational account. These accounts are available to promote communication between the organization's members and to help publicize the organization's events. This page outlines the guidelines which apply specifically to student organization role accounts.

Account Policy
Student organization accounts and their authorized users are responsible for abiding by the IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy.

This account is NOT to be used for any of the following:
  • As a part of any for-credit class or research
  • Personal computing or communication
  • Personal financial gain
The only people who should have access to the account are those whose names are listed on the most current account form for the student organization (posted online to the Center for Student Involvement website) . Those listed on the form will be held responsible for any policy violations.
  • To reset the account password without the current password, a principal member will need to come to the Service Desk with a photo ID to reset it, or email from their UCSD email account. Otherwise, they can change the password via the Global Password Change Tool.
ETS requires that student organizations re-register every Fall through the Center for Student Involvement office. This allows you to update your principal members and will let us know that your organization is still using the account.

Email Services
Student organization email accounts authorize electronic communication by and for only the advisor and principal members. Student organization emails are shared accounts; personal email addresses may not be listed as the organization's contact address. Individual members must use their student accounts for personal email.

Web Services
The web services provided are intended for websites hosted on our servers. We do not provide redirection services. If we discover that your site is being used only to redirect to an outside domain, your student organization website will be deactivated.